Answers to questions about using Sig2:

Sig2 is a utility to communicate with specific people who are in transit to an agreed location.

This communication tool consists of a cloud-based desktop Web application to send written messages that are delivered through a mobile app and read aloud within a specific location.

The delivery of geofenced messages through text-to-speech while in transit allows users to hear the content of messages handsfree, without needing to look or scroll.

Geofence messaging refers to technology that allows targeted communication to occur within a specific geographical area.

It involves setting up virtual boundaries, known as geofences, around physical locations, such as a neighborhood, a property, or any area of choice.

Geofence messaging relies on the location-tracking capabilities of mobile devices to determine when a user enters or leaves a specific area. This is achieved through GPS (Global Positioning System), and cellular networks.

Geofence messaging requires users to consent to their mobile device’s location services being enabled. Users control and manage their preferences for receiving geofenced messages through their mobile device and app settings.

The purpose of geofence messages is to deliver information in context, when and where it is most relevant to a person.

Text-to-speech technology enables computers and mobile devices to read text out loud for people to listen to written content instead of reading it themselves.
The combination of geofence messages with text-to-speech delivery gives users an optimal experience for receiving information while in transit.

For the sender, asynchronous communication means that a message can be composed when it is convenient, and it will be delivered at the time when it is best for the receiver.

When a message is intended for multiple people, such as a team, a group, or an audience, each person will receive the message at the time when they arrive at the determined location.

This experience enables the sender to communicate with the confidence that information is delivered to the receiver in an optimal way.

There are many applications using geofence messaging for small businesses and large operations.

Any situation involving a physical location with people traveling to it, opens the opportunity to communicate in the most efficient manner.

Our focus is:
Property management businesses, construction companies, and field service operations.